Polysporin Gouttes Ophtalmiques. Conjonctivite

Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops offers a heal-fast formula that treats pink eye and other eye infections. Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops eliminate the bacteria causing the infection and help relieve redness and itchiness associated with bacterial pink eye. Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops can also be used to treat swimmer's ear. Sterile antibiotic treatment for external infections of the eye/ear, such as conjunctivitis or “pink eye” Fast-acting relief of symptoms Medicinal Ingredients (per mL): 10,000 units Polymyxin B (as Sulfate) and gramicidin 0.025 mg Non-medicinal Ingredients: alcohol, benzalkonium chloride, poloxamer, propylene glycol, water Cautions: If irritation occurs, or in case of serious infection, or if infection has not started to clear in 2 days, discontinue use and consult a doctor.  Consult a doctor before use if the cause of the pink eye is unclear, or if there is a marked sensation of something in the eye, sensitivity to light, continuous abundant discharge, pain in the eye, impaired vision, severe hearing loss, or fever. Eye drops suitable for all ages. For ear infections, a doctor should be consulted before treating children under 6.
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Polysporin Gouttes Ophtalmiques. Conjonctivite

Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops eliminate the bacteria causing the infection and help relieve redness and itchiness associated with bacterial pink eye.
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Remboursement facile et gratuit
Remboursement facile et gratuit

Antibiotique stérile pour le traitement des infections externes de l’œil et de l’oreille, comme la conjonctivite.

Ingrédient médicinal: polymyxine B (sous forme de sulfate), gramicidine.
Ingrédients non médicinaux: alcool, chlorure de benzalkonium, eau, poloxamère, propylèneglycol.
Pour les infections de l’œil, instiller 1 ou 2 gouttes Œil et oreille Polysporin dans l’œil affecté, 4 fois par jour pendant 7 à 10 jours. Les gouttes ophtalmiques peuvent être utilisées à tout âge.

Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops offers a heal-fast formula that treats pink eye and other eye infections. Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops eliminate the bacteria causing the infection and help relieve redness and itchiness associated with bacterial pink eye. Polysporin Eye & Ear Drops can also be used to treat swimmer's ear.

  • Sterile antibiotic treatment for external infections of the eye/ear, such as conjunctivitis or “pink eye”

  • Fast-acting relief of symptoms

Medicinal Ingredients (per mL): 10,000 units Polymyxin B (as Sulfate) and gramicidin 0.025 mg

Non-medicinal Ingredients: alcohol, benzalkonium chloride, poloxamer, propylene glycol, water

Cautions: If irritation occurs, or in case of serious infection, or if infection has not started to clear in 2 days, discontinue use and consult a doctor.  Consult a doctor before use if the cause of the pink eye is unclear, or if there is a marked sensation of something in the eye, sensitivity to light, continuous abundant discharge, pain in the eye, impaired vision, severe hearing loss, or fever. Eye drops suitable for all ages. For ear infections, a doctor should be consulted before treating children under 6.

Tout médicament ou produit de santé naturel peut causer des effets indésirables sérieux ou des interactions avec d’autres médicaments. Lire attentivement les instructions, mises en garde et dépliants fournis par le fabricant et consulter votre pharmacien lors de l’achat de tels médicaments ou produits de santé naturels. Toujours tenir les médicaments et produits de santé naturels hors de la portée des enfants.

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